mysore classes

New to Mysore?

Mysore style is such a unique way of learning yoga and developing a self-practice and is my most preferred way of teaching. It is individual learning within a group setting and is the closest thing to having a private lesson. The practice is given to you one posture at a time, individually by the teacher and you will then have the opportunity practice what you are given at your own pace. Repetition is key and you’ll get to repeat the practice until you know it smoothly, by heart. It is one of the best ways to learn because although you have the group energy and other people around you practicing to inspire and energise you, you are still able to tune into yourself and your breath and go at your own pace. The class is mostly silent, with hands-on adjustments, corrections and new postures provided by the teacher as the teacher sees that you are ready. This way you’ll be practicing just the right amount for you and where you are at. Not just physically, but mentally, energetically, emotionally and as a result, spiritually. It is a very structured and thorough approach because you’ll be following the traditional method of the Ashtanga Primary series sequence, and a specifically designed structural yoga therapy sequence will be provided if you require it to help you along the way. This method originated in the south India in the town of Mysore which is the home of Ashtanga Yoga, hence the name Mysore style. 

Already have a Mysore Practice?

If you have an established Mysore practice, no matter which series you normally practice, please practice Primary series on the first day of joining these classes. Primary series is the foundation of the Ashtanga system. Primary Series needs to be clean and smooth before moving onwards. For this reason we will iron out any kinks in the primary asana before moving you on through the series. This will clean up any bad habits, strengthen up weaknesses and smooth out small issues before they turn into big ones and cause injuries. Please don’t take it personally, Taking you through the practice gradually is a tremendous benefit to true and lasting progress. Practice non-attachment and know that you’ll have your precious practice back once you master the foundations and are solid enough through which to truly receive it again. You and your practice will be stronger, more stable, and will flourish with so much more integrity and grace as a result and you’ll have a much safer and more sustainable practice in the longer term.


Start time 8 am, please arrive early and be ready on your mat to start

Mondays : Mysore Class
Wednesdays : Mysore Class
Fridays : Led Class 90 mins

Finish time for Mysore classes is flexible according to the length of your practice.
Initially your practice will be shorter but it will grow over time
Please finish Mysore no later than 10 am

Prices in THB

Commitment and consistency is key for establishing a self-practice so the prices reflect this,
The more commitment you make and the more consistent you are, the greater the rewards. On many levels.

Monthly payment in advance 2,500b 

Weekly payment in advance 1,000b 

*Drop-in for one day 500b

(*Drop-in to Mysore class is only possible if you have an established Mysore practice)

Step 1 Make payment

Click below to pay online with QR, credit card or Paypal
Or pay in cash before the start of the class

Step 2 Register below to join