Full Primary Series Led Classes

These classes are mainly designed to establish the rhythm and flow of the breath in time with the specific Vinyasas (means to place in a special way) and move with the breath together as a group. For this reason, there is no detail or technique given, only the the postures and the breath. You will be guided vocally in sanskrit while being counted through each posture in English as per tradition. To keep everybody safe you are not expected to do the whole sequence. You are encouraged to only practice up to the point in the sequence that you have already been shown by a teacher within a Mysore class. If you haven’t, then just listen to your body in terms of how much of the sequence to practice through until. Then either finish with the finishing sequence if you know it by yourself, or wait for the group to reach back bending and join in again to do the finishing sequence together. Those that have been shown the Ashtanga Therapy hip sequence may practice this while waiting for the group to start back bends. This way each person is practicing appropriately for their own unique needs within a mixed level group setting.